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Concept Testing to Prioritize AR/VR Feature Buildout


Lead User Researcher

Challenge Statement

How might we help teams prioritize which AR/VR design sprint concepts to prioritize and build?

  1. Held initial conversation with team members to understand the design sprint inputs, assumptions, and outputs. The overall timeline for the project was 4 weeks. These conversations fed into the research goals which were to (1) validate the assumptions undergirding the concepts and (2) provide a quantitative stack rank of the concepts based on the dimensions of uniqueness, excitement, brand fit, and likelihood of use

  2. Conducted 16 1-1 interviews with participants in 2 countries using high fidelity AR/VR prototypes to validate that concepts would address user needs and reduce pain points

  3. Fielded quantitative concept testing survey to 2000 users, cleaned data, and performed analysis to provide weighted stack rank of all concepts based on the overall score, dimension, and by different user segments.

  4. Hosted an interactive report-out of findings focused on clear actionable insights for the direct project team, related teams, and product leadership invested in this effort


The team walked away with high confidence that the concepts did meet the user needs that were hypothesized and with a quantitative ranking of the concepts based on a weighted overall score and by dimension. These findings were the key input for the team roadmap for the following 6 months.


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